Our Truth: Truth and Reconciliation at UBC


From irsi.aboriginal.ubc.ca:
“The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada was established to gather testimony on survivors’ experiences of the Indian Residential Schools. From the 18th to the 21st of September 2013, the Commission will be conducting the last of its west coast National Events in Vancouver. UBC has taken the extraordinary step of suspending classes on September 18th so that students, faculty, and other members of the UBC community might more fully participate in this historic event and the other events around the city supporting it. Many initiatives are underway on campus prepare for our participation in this event.”

The Irving K. Barber Learning Centre and the Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology (CTLT) are engaging with campus and community partners to support education and awareness about Indian Residential Schools and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. This exhibit encourages its audience to ask reflective questions on its inquiry about this tragic piece of Canada’s history. Please visit the IKBLC gallery to learn more about Indian Residential Schools Initiatives on campus and in the city of Vancouver. We thank our campus partners for contributing content to this exhibition: The Museum of Anthropology’s Speaking to Memory: Images and Voices from St. Michael’s Indian Residential School exhibition, The First Nations Languages Program and Musqueam Nation Language Revitalization,The First Nations Studies Program, CTLT, and the First Nations House of Learning.
