Web Badges, Banners, Posters

Add our web banner to your slide show or aweb badge to your site that links to this one, or download a poster to print in your unit.

Slide Show Images / Banners. Click on the image above to see slide show images in a variety of sizes (and let us know if you need another size).

Web Badges. Below are samples of our Web Badges and the embed code that you can copy and use to include them in your site.

Printable Posters.At the bottom here are posters you can download for printing: contact us if you’d like pre-printed posters for your unit.

Web Badges

Copy the code for this image  and embed it in your site:

<a href=”https://irsi.aboriginal.ubc.ca” target=”_blank” ><img src=”https://aboriginal-2.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2013/08/IRSwebBadge2.png” width=”300″ height=”136″ /></a>

Printable Posters

Select (right-click) one of the .pdf posters here to print on your printer (choose “download linked file” or “download target”). If you’d like one of our beautiful pre-printed ones, just let us know.

Letter Size, Horizontal Text

Letter Size, Vertical Text

Legal Size, Horizontal Text

Legal Size, Vertical Text

11 x 17, Horizontal Text

11 x 17, Vertical Text