The Museum of Anthropology offers teaching kits, panel exhibits, and guided studies for use in the classroom. Teachers must pick up and drop off teaching kits and exhibits at the Museum reception desk. Ten-day loans: $30; twenty-four day loans: $50 (GST included).
The Residential School Kit is intended for students in Grades 10-12. It was developed in conjunction with the Residential School Survivor Society, the Legacy of Hope Foundation, and the Aboriginal Healing Foundation, the resources in this kit help students develop research and presentation skills while learning about the history and legacies of Aboriginal residential schools. Students finish the unit with a small research project. The kit includes a teacher’s guide and sourcebook.
Learn about MOA’s other outreach kits here.
Bookings Coordinator
Museum of Anthropology
6393 N.W. Marine Drive
Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z2
Tel: 604.822.3825
Fax: 604.822.2974