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Mentor Link

“MentorLink: A multilogue with leading professionals” Filmmaking “Reconciliation” around the world on campus

Are you interested in being mentored in filmmaking, adding to the experience that you have already gained? Do you want to make a documentary and meet students from around the […]

Lisa Jackson

Belkin Art Gallery “Witnesses: Art and Canada’s Indian Residential Schools” Exhibit

Witnesses: Art and Canada’s Indian Residential Schools September 6 to December 1, 2013 Presented at the UBC Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery Curated by Scott Watson, Keith Wallace, Charlotte […]

MOA Speaking to Memory: Images and Voices from St Michael’s Indian Residential Schools

MOA Speaking to Memory: Images and Voices from St Michael’s Indian Residential Schools

Speaking to Memory: Images and Voices from St. Michael’s Indian Residential School This exhibition at the UBC Museum of Anthropology has grown out of a unique opportunity to present the […]

UBC Guide for Faculty

UBC Guide for Faculty

A concise two page handout that has been created to inform UBC faculty about the TRC, the event on September 18th, and UBC’s suspension of classes on that day, and resources faculty might use in learning more and share with students.