Long before settlers began building residential schools, indigenous communities passed knowledge down from generation to generation. Over September, the UBC Learning Exchange is hosting “Generations”, a thought-provoking multimedia exhibit curated by Drew Ann Wake. Based on hearings generated during Chief Justice Berger’s historic work on pipelines and Aboriginal land claims during the 1970’s, the exhibit animates how three generations of Dene and Inuvialuit leaders from the Northwest Territories learned from their elders. A reception will be held on September 19, 5:00 to 7:00 pm.
ESL Activities
Learning English as a newcomer to Canada is one thing. Learning about the history of the Indian Residential School system while learning English brings a whole new dimension to understanding Canadian history and culture. During September, volunteer facilitators in the UBC Learning Exchange ESL Conversation Program will be developing materials to help newcomers to Canada learn about the experiences of First Nations people affected by the Indian Residential School system, and about the history leading to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Materials will be redeveloped based on feedback and incorporated into ongoing conversations beyond Truth and Reconciliation week.
The Learning Exchange is pleased to be supporting First Nations people involved in its programs to join Truth and Reconciliation events being held in Vancouver. In particular, we are suspending regular programs to support Downtown Eastside residents and students to participate in the BC National Event. A number of people involved with the Learning Exchange who are survivors of the residential school system are joining the All Nations Canoe Gathering and the Walk for Reconciliation with our support.